Welcome to The 2021 DMAD Spring Showcase!
The Spring Showcase is a competitive, juried exhibition of current student work in the Digital Media Art & Design (DMAD) program at King University. Students throughout all levels of the program were encouraged to submit original work created this semester with an exhibition limit set to 20 final images. The goal for this exhibition is to invite students to create work driven by personal interest and not by the usual parameters of demonstrating specific techniques, while also continuously raising the bar for quality and creativity within the program. The result of their efforts seen here is an eclectic, inspiring mixture of genres and media that exemplify the possibilities of artistic direction within our field. To view previous Spring Showcase online exhibitions, click this link.
The Digital Media Art & Design degree prepares students to enter the quickly expanding field of digital media. The degree focuses specifically on how visual media such as digital photography, videography, and graphic design are used to promote ideas in the contemporary world of visual art and communication. Understanding both the technical and the conceptual processes to produce captivating and effective imagery allows students to enter the job market through a variety of positions according to the strengths of the individual.
The Digital Media Art & Design program features a uniquely designed progression of courses through which students become fluent in both conceptual visual language and efficient technical practices. All of these courses build the foundation necessary to compete in an industry that is continually evolving.
Congratulations to The 2021 Spring Showcase Audience Choice Award Winner Alexa Lewis With Her Image “Kumba”!!!
Meet The Judge

Christina Thomas is the Media, Creative Arts, and Technology Director at Sullivan Baptist Church. She studied Digital Media Art and Design at King University and graduated in 2019. Art has always been a part of her life; however, she wasn’t always sure about making a career out of it. It was always important to her that her career would be something that would make a difference in someone’s life. She now works on a variety of projects in her current position ranging from graphic design to videography, audio, web design, and even mobile app design.
Being a King and DMAD alumna, she has participated in the Spring Showcase herself and had work showcased three times. She especially enjoyed working on pieces for the showcase because it allowed her to work on something outside of class projects, without constraints. It gave her the opportunity to experiment and try techniques that she hadn’t tried before. She recalls how the community at King and within the DMAD program especially was helpful to have so many people from different walks of life and different perspectives give suggestions to make her work better. She found that the critiques in the program helped her a lot, especially now in her current position where she needs to cater graphics to a wide variety of audiences.